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Showing posts with label Home-Remidies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home-Remidies. Show all posts
August 08, 2021

This Anti Aging Almond Night Cream Will Keep Your Skin Looking Like Your Twenties Always !

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Hey my beauties!! Welcome to my “Sunday Pampering” series.

Today I'm going to tell you about a wonderful almond night cream that does wonders to our skin. I have tried a few other almond face cream recipes in the past and though they were good, this recipe is the best. It has very powerful anti-aging properties and if used regularly will help reverse all signs of aging especially if coupled with a good diet.

Good natural anti-aging creams without any harmful chemicals are so expensive but trust me you can make equally effective anti-aging creams easily at home and this is one such recipe. If you use this cream every day and night regularly, your skin will look nourished, supple and glowing.

Just follow this recipe exactly and you'll get a smooth luscious cream. Though everyone will benefit using this cream but aging skin will benefit the most with it. This cream will last well in the fridge for five to six days, do give it a try without fail.

For this recipe, we need five to six raw almonds. Soak them overnight and the next day peel the outer skin.

Now take them in a mortar pestle or you can also use a mixer. Add enough rose water to grind. Now grind to a paste.

Now strain the ground paste, don't discard the strained pulp. We'll be using it later.

Now for every 2 teaspoons of almond milk, take around a tablespoon of aloe vera gel that is free of color and perfume.

Add in quarter teaspoon of vegetable glycerin too.

Now mix well, at first the mixture will be very lumpy but as we keep mixing it will form a smooth thick cream. If you're interested, you can also add in few drops of your favorite essential oil to make it smell good. This cream will dry quickly onto the skin. I have used only quarter teaspoon of vegetable glycerin but if you have extremely dry skin, increase it to half teaspoon. If you have oily skin, you can skip it all together.

Now take the cream in a bottle and store it immediately in the fridge. To use, before going to bed remove all makeup and apply this cream all over the face and neck in gentle upward strokes. You can apply this cream under eyes too. If you use regularly under eyes, it will help reduce dark circles very fast.  

I am going to make a full body scrub that helps treat and prevent strawberry skin and ingrown hair.

For that take the pulp in a bowl.

Add a tablespoon of coffee powder to it.  Add in a tablespoon of brown sugar too.

Finally add in liquid of your choice. Now mix well, I have used plain water here, you can use rice water or even milk, if you have extremely dry skin.  Ingrown hair and strawberry skin can be prevented if you use this scrub regularly.

To use, take the scrub and apply it all over the body, massage for a few seconds and then wash it off.  If you're using an epilator or shaving your legs, there are higher chances of getting ingrown  hair and bumpy skin and this scrub will greatly help prevent it.

This scrub exfoliates the skin gently and leaves the skin petal soft and radiant.  

I hope you found this blog useful. Tell me what you think about this remedy and also if you have doubts let me know in the comment section below.

Have a love Sunday. Take care and don’t forget to love yourself.


August 01, 2021

Rice Keratin Treatment At Home For Straight, Shiny & Frizz Free Hair !

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Hey my beauties!! Welcome to my “Sunday Pampering” series and today I have for you the best home-made keratin series without spending a single penny.

This amazing rice keratin treatment that'll smoothen and straighten the hair very effectively. Many beauty parlors offer keratin treatments but usually they are formaldehyde-based treatments and though some keratin products promise that they're free of formaldehyde, they contain chemicals that release formaldehyde when mixed with water. So technically formaldehyde is the base ingredient for those treatments too.

Formaldehyde is a colorless strong-smelling gas that causes respiratory problems when inhaled or when absorbed through the skin. Doing formaldehyde-based treatments once in a while will not cause any problems but frequent usage increases health risk.

Instead of using chemical-based keratin treatments, try this natural rice-based keratin treatment. The base for this treatment is cooked rice, rice is wonderful for smoothening out even the most frizzy and dry hair. This treatment is made with commonly available kitchen ingredients and is very cost effective. Unlike chemical-based keratin treatments, this treatment will not do any harm and can be used whenever you like.

In my personal opinion, this is a wonder treatment that leaves the hair soft and shiny. Follow the recipe exactly like given to get the best results.

Cut a fresh aloe vera leaf and wash well to remove the slimy green juice. The green slimy juice causes skin allergy so please take your time to wash it off properly before using. Now cut the thorns on both sides of the leaf, cut in half and scoop out the gel alone on to a cup.

To make coconut milk, take 1/8 cup of freshly grated coconut in a cup. Add very little water to it so as to get thick coconut milk. Now grind this in a mixer coarsely. Once ground take it in a strainer and press with a spoon to extract the coconut milk completely. The coconut milk should be thick and creamy like this.

For the treatment, take heaped 1/4 cup of boiled rice in a cup. Add in 3 tablespoons of the prepared thick coconut milk. Add in one egg white to it. Add in a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil too. Add in the inner gel of one small aloe vera leaf. Now grind this mixture to a very smooth paste.

The mixture should be smooth and free of any lumps so make sure to patiently grind it till you get a smooth paste.

To use, take the paste and apply it all over the hair. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then shampoo and condition your hair as usual.

This is my hair after using the treatment. I just used only shampoo to wash it off and did not condition my hair so as to show you how effective the treatment is. It made my hair soft shiny and very manageable.

When I first tried this treatment, I was pleasantly surprised to see how smooth, soft and shiny it left my hair and I started using it regularly.

This treatment can be used for all age groups and can be used for kids too. You can make slight alterations to the recipe if you like, but I found the best results with the recipe I've given. Use this recipe weekly once to have straight silky-smooth soft hair.

I hope you found this blog useful. Try it on yourself and also share it with your family and friends and let me know how it works.

Enjoy your Sunday and don’t forget to love yourself.


July 25, 2021


by , in


Weekends are always for chilling, relaxing, catching-up with friends, cheating on your diet with favorite food, or spoiling ourself with some shopping. But in all this we forget to pampering our skin and body which need the most of our attention.

I usually give my Sundays to myself where I use only homemade remedies with all-natural day-to-day ingredients. So, I thought why not share this homemade remedies and skincare tips with you lovely beauties. These are all tried and use by myself and family members with different skin types and age.

In this “Sunday Pampering “I will be sharing with you a remedy related to skin, hair etc. I hope you guys will love it and will try it out.

Today I thought I'll treat myself to a relaxing skin polishing papaya facial.  This facial is very unique and so easy to do. This facial consists of four steps and each step will have only one add-on ingredient other than papaya. Papaya is rich in antioxidants so; it helps fight off free radicals which are the major cause of premature aging of our skin.  

External application of papaya helps improve skin elasticity and prevents wrinkles. The enzyme papain found in papaya helps reduce inflammation so this facial is very good for acne prone skin. Stress can do bad things to our skin and health. Since all of us are going through a very stressful time now, a simple facial like this will help relax and calm you.  

For the facial, take a small piece of ripe papaya and cut into small pieces. Now grind the pieces using a mortar and pestle or in the mixer, strain to get smooth papaya juice.

For the cleansing liquid, take equal quantities of papaya juice and rose water in a cup, mix well. Now take a piece of cotton, dip in this cleansing liquid and wipe it all over your face to remove any dirt and grime. This liquid will help cleanse the skin very effectively.  

Now that we have removed all the dirt and grime from our face let us move on to step 2.

For this scrub, take a tablespoon of rice flour in a bowl. Add in enough papaya juice to form a paste. After using the cleansing liquid, you don’t have to wash your face immediately, use this scrub. To use, take the paste and apply it all over the face and neck, massage for a few seconds and then wash it off. This scrub will help exfoliate the skin very gently.

The third step is a massage with papaya gel. For the gel, mix equal quantities of papaya juice and pure raw honey. To use, take this gel and apply it all over the face and neck.  Massage for a few minutes in gentle upward strokes and then wash it off.  

Massaging with this gel will help improve blood circulation and will brighten dull skin. This gentle massage also will help you relax. After massaging, wash your face and then pat dry.

The final step is the face pack. For that take a tablespoon of gram flour in a bowl, add in papaya juice. Mix well, to use take the pack and apply it all over the face and neck. Wait for it to almost dry and then wash it off.

For doing this facial choose a place where you won't be disturbed, switch off your phone, light a candle, play soothing music and do it leisurely. I promise, after this facial your skin will be glowing and you’ll feel very relaxed.

Give it a try and let me know how you liked it.

With this my beauties it’s a wrap for this blog. Enjoy your weekend and don’t forget to love yourself.

See you in next blog.


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