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My Detailed Night Skincare Routine and Sharing Skin Transforming Tips


Hi my beauties welcome back to my channel I hope you guys are doing well

Today I am going to be sharing all about my skincare routine because I get so many questions from so many of you. You guys want to know everything about my skincare so today I have my night skincare routine for you which is more linear than my morning skincare.

Today is all about my night skincare and how do I do it exactly. Now I am also going to be sharing some of my very important skincare tips which I learned from the internet and also by hit and trial which has completely changed my skincare game.

So, you want to grab a piece of paper and a pen to write all these tips and also a cup of tea or coffee because this is going to be a long-ass blog and without further ado let's dive right into this blog.



The first step of skincare that I am going to talk about is makeup removal. It's very important to get rid of all the makeup before you go into any kind of skincare.

So, I like to make it a little elaborate and split this part into three steps. First, we are going to go into a micellar water then we are going to go into a cream-based cleanser and then the third will be a water-based cleanser.

On days where I am not wearing makeup, I like to skip using any micellar water. I just go in with a cleansing balm and just cleanse my entire face that helps get rid of any kind of gunk or pollution from my face.




For the days when I am wearing makeup or I have a heavy base of waterproof mascara, eye shadows and even a lipstick then I am going to go into the micellar water. My favorite right now is from Garnier it's their Oil-Infused Cleansing Micellar Water. This is an oil-based cleanser so this will help you get rid of your eye makeup and also any kind of lipstick or waterproof mascara.

For this step you have to pour in some of the micellar water on a cotton pad and please make sure that you have good cotton pads especially something that's lint-free. The ones that I absolutely love are from Tulip and these are lint-free pads. They are dual textured and they can be used from both the sides. These are the ones that I really like.

Whenever you're removing your eye makeup you have to be careful and you have to be gentle. You just have to put some of the micellar water on a cotton pad and just press it for about five seconds and when you wipe it off you will see that most of the makeup is going to come out. Now this is a really important step because you don't want to hurt your eyes or break your lashes so be very gentle while you're removing your eye makeup.




The third one is the Rice Water Bright Cleansing Cream this is from Faceshop. This is also my absolute favorite. I love it especially on the days but I'm not wearing makeup. It removes any kind of pollution and gunk from your face and it's really good and gentle even if you have sensitive skin. I really highly recommend this I think this is an all-skin type product. Even dry skin type people or combination skin type people can use this.




Once you've removed your eye makeup and lipstick with Micellar water. The next step is to go in with a cleansing balm. The cleansing balm that I absolutely love for removing my makeup is the Clinique Take The Day Off. This is their travel sized small bottle.

You just have scoop it out on your finger and start massaging it on your face and you will see that this is going to melt down all the makeup, the foundation and even the waterproof mascara. This is one of the best cleansing butters out their guys. If you have the budget to buy this, I highly recommend going in for this. It's a very good cleansing balm to have especially if you are someone who wears makeup often. This is going to be a lifesaver.

Now I like to massage my cleansing balm for at least 45 to 50 seconds because you want to give it time, you want to make sure that you're very gently massaging your face that the entire makeup melts down after you've removed your cleansing balm.





After that you can go ahead and washed your face and the face wash that I use at night is the Plum Green Tea Pore Cleansing Face Wash. This is such a beautiful cleansing gel and anyone with acne prone skin, combination skin, oily skin, even dry skin type people can use this.

Now I am going to give you very important tip and that's respective of your skin type and the face wash that you're using. Go ahead and massage your face wash for exactly 60 seconds, you don't have to do it more than that because that's going to dry out your skin. Now I learned this from google through an article and I started to do it ever since and I could see the results within a week of me following this tip so, this is a really important skin care tip guys definitely do it.





Now on most days after washing my face I would go in with a toner and the one that I like is from Plum. This is the Plum Green Tea Toner. I've mentioned about this also in my previous blog so, will mention the link below.

In some days of the week, I use a face mask and I love masking especially because I wear a lot of makeup it really clears up my pores a lot so, I do the masking twice a week and scrub my face once a week.

The scrub that I use is the Bio Papaya Tan Removal Scrub. This is one of my favorite scrubs to use because it's very gentle on the skin and especially very good for sensitive skin.

Now I love masking so I keep alternating between face masks. The three masks that I am reaching out the most these days, the first one is from Good Vibes Papaya Glow Mask. I've done a full review on Good Vibes products so; I am going to link that blog below you can check it out.

The second one is the Banjaras it's the Multani Mitti Face Pack. It comes with sandalwood again I have done a review on this product as well.

The third one which is my holy grail and this is probably my third tub I don't even know. I love this, this is from L’Oréal it is their Pure Clay Charcoal Mask and this is so beautiful. It's also very popular, I like to use this once a week for sure because it cleans out all your pores and all the gunk in your pores.

Now another important tip is whatever skincare you are doing on your face please make sure you take it down your neck.





The next step after applying face mask is to go in with some rose water which will also act like a toner and the one that I am loving right now is from Deve Herbs Pure Rose Floral Water and this is a brand that I discovered very recently. I tried their vitamin E and I absolutely loved it. I talked about it in one of my blogs.

This line of products you guys is so pure and they are so beautiful. This rose water I cannot stop using since the time I got it and the vitamin E has always been my favorite. The only problem I have with their products is that there are no ingredients mentioned here. So, I highly recommend do check out their products maybe try one and then if you like you can invest in more.

Before using just shake this well, I always do that with my toners and then just spritz it all over your face. You have to be generous when you're putting any rosewater after you've removed your face pack because you have to hydrate your skin immediately and I like to just pat this rosewater in so, that it kind of hydrates my skin quickly.





For serum I am currently using the White Seed Brightening Serum. I bought this product very recently and loving it absolutely. If you have texture on your skin or you just need some hydration on your skin and you don't need a very heavy serum. I highly recommend this. I really like using this at night so, I just take two pumps and that's more than enough for me. I like to just warm this product on my fingers a little bit and then start from the center of my face and then spread it out. Obviously, you don't want to forget your neck and this is a serum which I feel is so light on skin. If you have sensitive skin, you have oily skin or combination skin you are going to love this. Even dry skin type people will love it for a fact I know that.

The only thing you have to do if you're a dry skin type, just go in with a little bit extra so, whenever your serum is absorbed in your skin just make sure you pat it in so very gently just tap your fingers all over your face.




The other serum that I really like using is from the Estee Lauder Advanced Night serum, very popular it's a cult favorite. This is a super expensive product. The smallest travel size bottle I think costs around 1200 or 1300 Rupees. A very pricey product but it is bomb, it's worth every single penny. I like to use this whenever I have a big conference next day to attend at work or if I have a function in the house, I just like to apply it. Instead of my other serum I like to go in with this.

You got to be a little generous with this. I know this is an expensive product but this really is worth your money so, but I only use this occasionally initially as I already mentioned.





It’s time for some good moisturizer after serum. There are two that I am absolutely loving at night, first being the Plum Green Tea Night Gel. If you have acne prone skin or if you have acne scars on your face, combination skin, oily skin, you can go ahead and use this. Even dry skin type people can use this, you just have to go in with a little bit extra.




The second one that I use usually in the days when I remove makeup and my skin feels a bit drier so, I really like to go in with the Chia Seed No Intense Shine Hydrating Cream. This is something I really like to use especially after I removed my makeup. The other thing that I like to do is I mix some vitamin E oil in my skincare. I have mentioned this earlier as well I love women C and vitamin E in my skincare. It really makes your skin fight hydrated and supple. Vitamin E is very good for skin and this is the one that I am loving right now from Deve Herb Vitamin E oil it is really good and pure vitamin E.

What I like to do is I just like to mix two drops of vitamin E in my moisturizer whichever moisturizer I am using at night and then start from the center of your face and just spread out this moisturizer on the entire face. After applying this you will see with just two drops of vitamin E and what a beautiful sheen it has added on your face and your skin will feel so hydrated.

The other thing that I like to do if my skin is feeling very dehydrated especially after makeup it does happen. Then I just go in with a sheet mask after my face pack so, I will use a sheet mask and leave it on my face for about 20 minutes and that just really hydrates your skin. If you want to buy a sheet mask, I highly recommend the Faceshop one. They are very stunning especially the Faceshop Green Tea, Faceshop  Avocado and the Faceshop Aloe Vera one I really like them.





My next product is an eye cream and the one that I am loving right now is the Biotique Bio Seaweed Eye Cream. This is an eye gel, it's an anti-fatigue gel and really it is a beautiful product and this is in a gel form completely, it's a clear gel. Now this is not doing anything for my dark circles but honestly it does not claim anywhere on the packaging that it is for dark circles. It is however super hydrating and it gives a very lifted kind of a feeling and very cooling on the eyes so, I just like to very gently put it underneath my eyes and also on my lids.

Now you've got to be very gentle while you're putting your eye cream and the best way to do it is to just pack it in instead of rubbing it in and even if you are rubbing it make sure it's anti-clockwise the other way around. Don't do it clockwise please just make sure its anti-clockwise. The best way is to just pat it in.





The last product that I have for you is lip balms, you guys know that I love lip pumps. I like to hydrate my lips practically all day long so, the one that I have here is from Laneige this is their Lip Sleeping Mask. It is a beautiful stunning lip mask, it's a great product. I really like this; it smells so beautiful, very subtle fragrance and it gives a very beautiful gloss to your lips.

This lip balm is so hydrating, if you have cracked or chapped lips just sleep off with this lip balm and next morning, you're going to wake up with plump hydrated juicy lips.

Now I have one more product recommendation for you. It's completely optional but I highly recommend. If you want long beautiful fluttery lashes include a castor oil in your eyelashes at night so, essentially before you're sleeping off just take a q-tip or a bud and apply some castor oil on your eyelashes. You have to be careful which castor oil you are buying because you're putting it on your eyelashes, it can go in your eyes as well. The one that I love and recommend is from Aloe Veda this is their Cold Pressed and Hexane Free Oil. Please make sure that you are using hexane free, this is really important to also recommend that your oil should be cold pressed.

So, my beauties with that it's a wrap. That was a very detailed night skin care routine from a skincare die heart fan and a passionate skincare lover. If you have any questions for me, feel free to leave them in the comment section below and until I see you next.

Take good care of yourself and your skin, and don’t forget to love yourself.


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