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August 09, 2021

Best Affordable Skincare? GOOD VIBES SKINCARE REVIEW

by , in


Hi beauties guys welcome back to my blog. I hope you guys are doing well.

So as the week starts, I thought of doing a full range of skincare right here with one brand products. I have a full face of skincare right here of GOOD VIBES and while we are at this, I just want to mention that there are almost about 9 to 10 products right here that I bought and they cost me somewhere between 11,00 to 12,00 Rs. so that's really affordable and a very good deal. The packaging also was pretty impressive. I will also link the product down so that you can easily purchase it.

So, without further ado we are going to dive in right into this review.

I have nine products from good vibes here and out of all these products there are three products that I have already tested over the past 5-6 days because there is a face wash and there are two glow toners and I couldn't have given you my very correct opinion about these unless I had actually used them for a while because you know anything that has a glow face wash or a glow toner on it that has to be tried and tested beforehand to see what the results are having said that because this is a detailed review on the Good Vibes skincare I will be starting off using my skincare as I would on daily basis so




The first thing that I am going to show you guys is the Good Vibes Brightening Face Wash. This has no parabens and this is a cruelty free. It comes in a pump bottle; I really like the packaging of this one product but this smells a bit too strong for me so that's something that I don't like. But I like the fact that it is a gel formulation and I like face washes that are gel basically. I have to say that I do like the face wash, it's not drying but it's not hydrating.

If your oily skin or if your combination skin this is really a good face wash to have and I don't even have to mention how affordable these Good Vibes products are.  I feel it's really nice it lathers well and it leaves your skin not hydrated but not drying. I hate face washes that leave your skin dried and let me tell you that one does not let you face feel dried after usage.




For scrub I have their pomegranate brightening scrub. This has no parabens, no sulfates and is also cruelty free. Now I do see that all of their ingredients are mentioned are mentioned on most of its products however on some of their products I saw that they were only key ingredients mentioned I would have liked if they mentioned all of their ingredients. I mean you should know what you're putting on your skin.

Firstly, it smells really nice. I really like how thick this product is and has very small granules of scrubbing particles. This is a very mild scrub and the scrubbing particles are really small because clearly, they are not hurting me while I used it and it is a very creamy scrub as well. It's a very thick scrub so that's good because that's not going to leave your skin dehydrated. In fact, it's going to scrub everything out and once you wash off your face there is no dehydration on the skin and you don't feel the need to kind of rush for your face cream.

It also cleanses your face very gently and I must say I really like this pomegranate face scrub because it's very gentle, it's very creamy. The one thing that I really like is usually after you scrub your face feels so dehydrated, this one just leaves your face very clean, squeaky clean. I would say it's not dehydrating my skin; it has really scrubbed out all the impurities from my face and it has also left my face just very soothing and nice.

So yes, all in all I really like the scrub and it's for all skin types specifically if you're sensitive skin go ahead and give this a try.




Now moving on we are going to be talking about a lip scrub. I was very interested to buy this when I saw it. This is the Good Vibes Lemon Lip Scrub which comes in a cardboard packaging. This is a very popular scrub in fact and I didn't know and I had to get my hands on this one moment I saw this. Anything with lemon in it because I like fruity fragrance a little bit because it’s not too harsh so I thought why not give it a go.

It’s basically in a tiny bottle very beautiful, cute and travel friendly as well and you get decent amount of product for the price you're paying. It has some sugar particles in it as it seems because most lip scrubs have sugar in it and t's very crumbly. The key ingredients mentioned at the back of the packaging like I was mentioning I would have liked to see all ingredients. I don't just like two secret ingredients because I like when brands disclose all the ingredients that they've put in, in the product that they're selling.

This smells really nice, it's really beautiful smelling especially if you're like citrusy fragrances and flavors you're really going to like this. After every use my lips are looks pinker and brighter.

So, I overall like the lip scrub quite a bit I think it did really scrub off any kind of dead skin around my lips and also have that little brightening effect.




Now next up here we have toner, their Pomegranate Glow Toner very popular, I've heard so many people rave about this and there were such good reviews on their website also. So, I have two toners for you guys this is the Pomegranate one the second one is the Rose Glow toner. I love rose water and anything to do with the rose in toners. Both the toners are alcohol-free, there are no parabens, no sulfates and it is cruelty free which is very nice.


The spray on these bottles is really nice and fine, so I like to spray the tone all over my face and I have to say I've used both these toners and they are truly glow toners.

If right off the back there are two products or one product that I have to suggest it has to be the pomegranate in the order of preference and then the Rose one. Both are such great toners if you are looking for a good toner. I think this is a brand you really need to try. I love both of these.



The next product that I have for you is the Papaya Glow Face Mask, again has no parabens, no sulfates, cruelty free and no mineral oil. I must say the packaging is really nice, it's a very travel friendly as well and then you get a good grammage of product in all these Good Vibes products that I am mentioning here to you.

This doesn't smell like a lot of papaya in there thankfully because I hate papaya but I am all for the glow so I went ahead with this one.

It is really smooth and it says on the packaging that steadily and smoothly massage it on your cleansed face and let it rest for 10 minutes, clean with water and go shine bright. So, a couple of things to remember when you're scrubbing your face whether it's this scrub or when you're using a face pack just remember it's really important you do not scrub the portion around your eyes because that's really sensitive even for face pack.




Now the next product in here is the Green Tea Skin Purifying Sheet Mask. I have used a lot of sheet masks and I love sheet masks; I think they really hydrate your face and they really make your skin beautiful and plump. Whenever I have a long day ahead of me this one right here is really helpful out of all the products that I've used.




Now to the next product which is very popular something that I've heard a lot about on YouTube and on Instagram is the Good Vibes Orange Gel. It has no parabens, no sulfates and its cruelty free. This is a multi-purpose gel, you can either use it in your face pack, mix it on your face pack or just apply it as a moisturizer and the ingredients all of it are mentioned right here which is nice.

This is too citrus smelling; I mean I love fruity fragrances but this is way too citrusy. It's a pretty clear gel and also this has a beautiful cooling effect. I am all for some good nice cooling effect. I actually really like how beautiful this feels on the skin, this smells a little bit too much citrusy as I said. It's like a glass of orange juice in there but I really like how beautiful this is.

It really hydrates my skin even further and gives glow to face. To use it there are multiple ways you can apply directly on your face skin and hair or mix it in other ingredients suit specific concerns so, this is actually a hair gel also which I didn't know but clearly since it's a gel you can definitely put in your face pack or any kind of a DIY that you are putting on your face. Because this is a gel form so just like you use your aloe vera you can put this in any of your facial DIYs.




The last product that I have for you guys is a lip balm and I love lip balms and I couldn't resist buying this one here from Good Vibes it's the Chocolate Lip Balm. I actually like the packaging it's pretty cute and I saw the ingredients before purchasing. This one has beeswax of course and then it has sunflower oil, cocoa butter, vitamin E green tea extract and white tea extract.

This is very travel friendly, very cute and something that you can just shove in your bag and carry if you're on the go. This smells heavenly it's like a chocolate doughnut, it's like a chocolate bar I can literally eat this up. This is really beautiful.

This is nice but unfortunately, it's not that hydrating as I would have liked it to be. I mean it's a pretty decent lip balm, it definitely is earning a brownie point for me for the fragrance because I love chocolates, it's beautiful smelling I can't stop smelling it is so nice. It did hydrate my lips let me be honest but I don't really think it's hydrated my lips as much as I would have liked because I have a little bit chapped lips problem. I like to hydrate my lips at all times at all hours before sleeping waking up in the afternoon when I am in office every time, I like hydrated lips and hydrated skin so I think it is okay in terms of hydration

Now summing up the products that I absolutely loved and the ones that I would recommend to you guys. So, first off, I loved the Pomegranate Glow Toner no doubt there. I love the rose one also but if I have to suggest one toner to you guys it has to be pomegranate one hands-down beautiful it definitely gives you that glow and it's very light on skin so I think if you have oily skin, combination skin I think even dry skin type people would love it, even acne prone. This is a beautiful, very subtle, very beautiful toner so, that's my number one product that I'm recommending.

The next product has to be the Good Vibes Lip Scrub. This is a very good product guys for this price and you're getting this lips scrub in here, the quality is great and I think it did scrub off the dead skin off my lips. I really highly recommend you buy this so, there's one product you have to pick up. I am confused between the toner and this but I would still say go for this one.

Then I really loved the Papaya Face Mask. I think it did brighten my skin; the Pomegranate Scrub I am on the fence I don't know if it did a lot for my skin but yeah, I mean I liked it but I did not fell in love with it but the Papaya Face Mask, absolutely beautiful, very affordable and it did brighten my skin as well and the last product is the Orange Gel, it smells literally like an orange bar there it's like a jab of oranges squeezed in there but if you can get past the fragrance its felt beautiful on my skin it sets in so well. I think overall it has really hydrated my skin.

The rest of the products, I mean they were okay. If you want to give it a go you can because this is a very affordable range so, overall, I feel it's a beautiful line of products to try out. If you're on a budget and you're looking for good products I think all of the products are something that you can definitely get your hands on.

So, guys with that it's a wrap. Let me know in the comment section what you think about these products.

I hope you have a great, productive and happy Monday.

Take care and don’t forget to love yourself.


August 08, 2021

This Anti Aging Almond Night Cream Will Keep Your Skin Looking Like Your Twenties Always !

by , in

Hey my beauties!! Welcome to my “Sunday Pampering” series.

Today I'm going to tell you about a wonderful almond night cream that does wonders to our skin. I have tried a few other almond face cream recipes in the past and though they were good, this recipe is the best. It has very powerful anti-aging properties and if used regularly will help reverse all signs of aging especially if coupled with a good diet.

Good natural anti-aging creams without any harmful chemicals are so expensive but trust me you can make equally effective anti-aging creams easily at home and this is one such recipe. If you use this cream every day and night regularly, your skin will look nourished, supple and glowing.

Just follow this recipe exactly and you'll get a smooth luscious cream. Though everyone will benefit using this cream but aging skin will benefit the most with it. This cream will last well in the fridge for five to six days, do give it a try without fail.

For this recipe, we need five to six raw almonds. Soak them overnight and the next day peel the outer skin.

Now take them in a mortar pestle or you can also use a mixer. Add enough rose water to grind. Now grind to a paste.

Now strain the ground paste, don't discard the strained pulp. We'll be using it later.

Now for every 2 teaspoons of almond milk, take around a tablespoon of aloe vera gel that is free of color and perfume.

Add in quarter teaspoon of vegetable glycerin too.

Now mix well, at first the mixture will be very lumpy but as we keep mixing it will form a smooth thick cream. If you're interested, you can also add in few drops of your favorite essential oil to make it smell good. This cream will dry quickly onto the skin. I have used only quarter teaspoon of vegetable glycerin but if you have extremely dry skin, increase it to half teaspoon. If you have oily skin, you can skip it all together.

Now take the cream in a bottle and store it immediately in the fridge. To use, before going to bed remove all makeup and apply this cream all over the face and neck in gentle upward strokes. You can apply this cream under eyes too. If you use regularly under eyes, it will help reduce dark circles very fast.  

I am going to make a full body scrub that helps treat and prevent strawberry skin and ingrown hair.

For that take the pulp in a bowl.

Add a tablespoon of coffee powder to it.  Add in a tablespoon of brown sugar too.

Finally add in liquid of your choice. Now mix well, I have used plain water here, you can use rice water or even milk, if you have extremely dry skin.  Ingrown hair and strawberry skin can be prevented if you use this scrub regularly.

To use, take the scrub and apply it all over the body, massage for a few seconds and then wash it off.  If you're using an epilator or shaving your legs, there are higher chances of getting ingrown  hair and bumpy skin and this scrub will greatly help prevent it.

This scrub exfoliates the skin gently and leaves the skin petal soft and radiant.  

I hope you found this blog useful. Tell me what you think about this remedy and also if you have doubts let me know in the comment section below.

Have a love Sunday. Take care and don’t forget to love yourself.


August 06, 2021

The secret to my GLOWING skin

by , in


This today's blog is about how to take care of your skin, how can you make your skin so shining and clear and how to have a natural glow to your skin.

First of all, I would like to tell you that this is what I do for my skin and I am sharing this with you guys so that you can also have a perfect skin which you always wish for.

There are a lot of things I do, I try and eat well, I try an exercise five days a week and I take care of my skin very religiously with my morning and evening skin care. I am not someone who likes a lot of facials, I am a lot into natural products but clearly there is one product which I have used and in calculated in my skincare since the past couple of months I would say almost three months and it has really brought a massive change in my skin and I am going to share that secret with you today.

So, if you are interested or read this blog until the end and without further chit-chatting let's dive right into the blog.

So, guys I am going to go straight in and tell you that the product that I am talking about is:

Klaire's Vitamin C Drops


Now these are freshly juiced vitamin C drops and the external packaging is a carton packaging and I am going to go stepwise and tell you exactly how the product works? how to use it? what are the claims? etc.

So, the bottle that you get from Klaire's, it's a plastic bottle and comes with a dropper so from the looks of it you will say that it is very kind of a normal looking products there's nothing high-end about it. Even though the packaging is plastic but like they say never judge a book by its cover this product is exactly that so, there are some of the high-end brands that are used as my serum and my anti-aging product and I've actually quite loved them but this one right here I will tell you how it works and what it does for your skin. But this has really changed my skin drastically and how so.

Firstly, I am quickly going to tell you what's written on the external carbon packaging so, Klaire says that this is the vitamin C these are freshly juiced vitamin C drops and the strength of this vitamin C is 5% it's actually a serum that comes with L-ascorbic acid and centella asiatica extracts which help stimulate collagen production and improve skin tone texture without harsh irritation.

Now if you think that this is a fairness product no it's not. None of the vitamin C products are fairness products. These are basically serums which have a certain amount of strength of vitamin C, vitamin C is known to have properties of improving the texture of the skin, it evens out your skin tone, any kind of two-tone skin, it also helps in any kind of pigmentation that you may have on your face, it helps you remove tan. However, is going to give you the original skin color back with a clarity and then you will feel that your skin is brightening but it's not the finest products so, please don't confuse it with that.

Before applying it, your face should be clean and you can take this product directly on your face through the dropper and drop five drops all over your face and then just massage it very gently using pressing motions then rubbing this product in because that's how a serum should be applied.

The other way of using it that if you have a sensitive skin, you can mix this product with any of your moisturizer, I use the New Ralina Hydro Boost Gel so, when I bought this product that's how I was using it to see how it works on my skin because I have extremely sensitive skin so I started off with two drops and then I went on to five drops. The carton packaging actually says apply a mixture of one or two drops with a serum or cream. I would suggest if your sensitive skin or if you're even a beginner move it up and see, I suggest that you do that you mix it in your moisturizer and see how it works for you and then you can increase the quantity depending upon how much do you want on your face. I think five drops one drop on each side on your forehead nose and chin works perfectly well.

It is extremely non-oily; it will get absorbed by the skin very quickly and it gives a very subtle sheen to the skin. The beautiful thing about this serum is that it is non-oily. Now a little about vitamin C serums and vitamin C products so, I was using the vitamin C from Cipla earlier which had more strength. This was vitamin C 15% and also it had a little color to it and it turned a bit yellowish after a couple of days after opening the bottle.

The way I like Klaire’s is beautiful. The one main property about Klaire's Vitamin C is it will colorless throughout. It will not change its color which does not happen with a lot of vitamin C products so, kudos to this product and to Klaire's for coming up with something that has vitamin C in it, the strength is something that even sensitive skin people can use and it works beautifully on your skin.

Let me tell you something about this product and vitamin C in general. Vitamin C is anti-aging, it removes any kind of pigmentation and also to tone skin. It basically gives you a clear base to work on. It kind of activates the collagen of the skin so that your skin becomes brighter and clearer.

So, this baby right here has done wonders to my skin. I had a little bit of acne scars on my face and one or two on my forehead as well and it has helped me get rid of those acne scars as well so, I started seeing the results within the first week of using it. Initially I was using a very high-end brand however when I use it the first time in my morning skincare, I loved it and I decided to continue to use it as the morning and night serum as well.

The one thing I suggest you do after you use this and that's really important because that will set the vitamin C and this goes for morning and evening skincare is to include a moisturizer on top of it. This is really important when you're using the serum to go on and put a moisturizer. I love the Neutrogena Hydro boost Gel they both work wonders and they work really beautifully for me. I've tried mixing the serum in the moisturizer as well and that has worked beautifully.

If you want to use it directly on your face then definitely make sure that you have a layer of moisturization on top, you can use any moisturizer that is suitable for your skin that's tried and tested. Now one very important thing guys that if you're stepping out in the morning and if you're using this as a morning product vitamin C is actually a morning product and if you're stepping out make sure that you top it up with a moisturizer and then top it up with a sunscreen that's essential and absolutely important particularly in the case of vitamin C.

If you search on the internet, you'll see google, you'll ask a dermatologist they highly recommend topping up any vitamin C serum with a sunscreen and that's really important you can use any sunscreen that's tried and tested something that you've used before and the other important thing is be very careful with. The other kind of serums that you're using with a vitamin C, maybe your eye cream that has retinol, retinol and vitamin C works perfectly fine it's tired and tested by me and I have no issues whatsoever so, if you're using some other kind of a serum that has other properties or other ingredients in it make sure it's not clashing with this serum. So, you've got to be careful with whatever you including in your skincare.

I would say the most beautiful thing that this serum has added to my skin is that very subtle and beautiful sheen so, when I wake up in the morning and I have applied at last night, I see this you know very beautiful sheen and subtle glow on my face which I absolutely love and even without makeup my face looks a lot clearer.

I had a bit of tanning on my face so, when I was traveling, I was wearing a hat and then the part of my forehead had caught tan so basically, I had two toned skins and I got a little worried because whenever I was not wearing makeup it looked a bit off because it was very evidence you can see a prominent line which has faded off at least 80% within a month and a half of using it so then that's my secret of a glowing beautiful and clear skin.

If you have pigmentation, two toned skins, a tan or acne marks, this is the serum to go for or if you're just looking for an anti-aging product to include in your skincare I will say hands-down this win. A disclaimer this is not a sponsored blog this is the product that I used, I researched upon it and I've been using for past three months and my experience is what I've spoken about.

If you have any feedback for me, if you have any questions about how to use vitamins see any other properties or anything any questions about this blog in particular, please do leave it in the comment box below.

That’s it for this blog, I’ll see next. Until then take care and don’t forget to love yourself. Bye


August 06, 2021

Affordable Monsoon Skincare Essentials 2021

by , in


Hi my beauties! hope you guys are doing well. 

Since monsoon has already hit us, I thought why not do a blog where I share with you guys my favorite and affordable monsoon skincare products. As the weather changes, we have to up our skincare game and sometimes we have to change our skincare as well depending on what the weather is.

So, I picked up a few products that I feel has worked really well for me and I wanted to share these products with you guys. There are face washes, face masks, serums and a couple of few other products that i want to share with you guys in this blog.

So, sit tight and now without further ado let's dive right into this blog.

The first product that I am going to be talking about is a vitamin C serum that was launched very recently. What I am referring to is:

Plum Goodness Vitamin C Serum


This is the 15% vitamin C serum launched very recently and this particular vitamin C is something that did stand out for me in many ways. Firstly, it's a fragrance color free formula, there are no essential oils so, even if you are sensitive skin condition this is something you can definitely try. Not just that what I like about the product is that it's extremely affordable.

Before talking about the ingredients, let me tell you how lightweight this because for monsoon we need something that is going to get absorbed in the skin easily. It's a non-oily, non-greasy formula and it's very much water like consistency which gets absorbed in the skin very easily like I said.

A lot of vitamin c serums tend to sit on the skin, feel tacky on the skin but this one doesn't do that. Talking about the ingredients we have 15% ethyl ascorbic acid here which is an oil and water-soluble form of vitamin C it's a very stable form.

Moving on we have third ingredient as propanediol which is not just a solvent it is a penetration enhancer and it improves the moisturization of the skin, we also have Kakadu plum here which basically is very rich in vitamin A, C and E, which will help improve the skin basically even out the skin tone and help get rid of dark spots and blemishes on the skin.

Even if you're someone who's suffering from hyperpigmentation this, I feel is a very stable and a great form of vitamin C that one can include in their skincare routine. Then moving on we have a great emollient in this which helps make the formulation non- greasy and a non-oily one, we have betaine here which is a great moisturizer for the skin, we also have Kakadu plum which adds that radiance and that brightness and glow to the skin.

Overall, I feel it's a great affordable vitamin C something that I definitely can recommend to you.

Then moving on I have a face wash recommendation for you for the monsoon season. It's going to work very well on many different skin types in fact, all skin types and not just that if your sensitive skin condition you are likely to love this product. What I am referring to is:

Cleanse Me Face Wash


I’ve been trying this product out it has allantoin and colloidal oatmeal in it which basically makes the formulation a calming and soothing one on the skin. Your skin is not going to feel stripped out because it's an SLS a soap free formula and there is no fragrance in this and I feel overall this has worked really well on my skin. It doesn't lather a lot but it definitely cleanses your skin and like I said doesn't give you that stripped out feel.

If we talk about the consistency of this, it's basically more like a gel and it spreads out very nicely and, on my hand, I can feel that it has that sort of a moisturization that it gives to the skin. Again, a great product and something that I have been really loving for my skin as well specifically in monsoon you need something that doesn't irritate your skin because there's so much moisture in the skin and you are likely to get irritation or redness and if you are someone who has sensitive skin condition or you get any sort of redness or irritation on your skin this is the kind of face wash you can definitely try.

The third product is also a face wash that I’ve recommended many times on my blog simply because it's a great product and definitely is going to be a great hit for the monsoon season. What I am referring to is:

Simple Refreshing Facial Wash


It's not just an affordable product but it's a very versatile one at that. It's going to work on many different skin types. It is a 100% soap free formula, it is fragrance free, color free and a simple formulation, lathers very well on the skin, it doesn't make your skin feel stripped out and also this is something that you can use after you've removed your makeup. So, if you're a makeup wearer or if you have sensitive skin condition or in my opinion any skin type you are likely to appreciate this product.

I feel this gets rid of all the dirt and grime and doesn't make your skin feel stripped like I already said that's why I highly recommend this for the monsoon season as well.

Moving on I have two moisturizer recommendations for you guys. Now monsoon is a season where moisturizers tend to get a little bit tricky even if you are combination skin, oily skin you tend to feel that your skin is getting way too oily or your t-zone is getting way too oily. What I like to do is specifically in the monsoon season I like to switch to a gel-based formula something that has hyaluronic acid in it because that way it's going to be lightweight on my skin and also, it's going to moisturize my skin from deep within so, you don't dry out your skin but you don't feel oily if you know what I mean.

I have two recommendations here for you that I am totally loving and they are also very affordable.

The first one is the Hyalugel Hyaluronic Acid Gel


This is a great product guys, it's a second tube I repurchased this product simply because it's super-duper lightweight on the skin, it's a non-sticky, non-greasy formula whatever your skin type or condition may be this is something that is likely to work on your skin really well.

Now this has hyaluronic acid like the name suggests so, it's going to moisturize your skin from deep within, it is not going to let it dry out. This particular product I feel is going to work very well on dry skin as well because a lot of dry skin people feel that they don't like gel-based formulas, gel-based moisturizers don't work for them. But I feel this is the one you can definitely try out.

My next recommendation for a gel-based formula is:

Sebamed Clear Face Care Gel


This is basically for acne-prone skin but I feel this can work on many different skin types and conditions. I particularly like this for my skin as well. I’ve been using this for the past week it not just nourishes my skin really well also it makes sure that my skin feels very moisturized underneath the makeup as well and doesn't feel cakey or dried out after a while.

I am someone who has combination skin but sometimes my skin has moved a little bit more towards dry so, I am combination more towards dry if you are my kind of skin type you are likely to love both of these products Hyalugel and also the Sebamed Care Gel.

Then moving on a very important step of the morning skincare routine that I’ve stressed upon many times is using a good sunscreen. Now don't think that it's monsoon and it's cloudy so you don't need a sunscreen, you absolutely do need a sunscreen every single morning no matter what the weather is. There's one particular sunscreen that I feel is going to work very well for the monsoon season and I have recommended this in the past as well. This is:

Re'equil Ultra Matte Dry Touch Sunscreen Gel


This is a formula that I feel is going to work on many different skin types unless you are very dry, I would say skip it. otherwise, most skin types and skin conditions are likely to appreciate this product. It is a gel formula but it's not drying on the skin, it feels quite mousy.

The texture which is not just lightweight but it gets absorbed in the skin easily. What I like about the product the most is that it does not leave any sort of white cast, you also get great protection here, you have SPF 50 and you have a great rating on the PA which is the PA double plus double plus rating.

Overall, I feel it's a great sunscreen and something that a lot of different skin types can definitely try.

My last product recommendation for this blog is going to be a good clay-based charcoal mask. Now what a clay-based charcoal mask does is that it pulls out all the impurities from your skin, from your pores. It doesn't let your pores get clogged and hence you prevent yourself from having blackheads, whiteheads or even acne.

There's one particular clay mask that I want to recommend it's not super affordable but the reason why I am recommending this is because it's mostly on discount I have picked it up on discount most of the time so you can figure it out on various shopping sites and also pick it up from amazon it costs very less there and for the quality that you get here I feel it's a great product. What I am referring to is:

L’Oréal Pure Clay Mask Detoxify


It really does detoxify your skin I’ve used many tubs of this. The only thing is this product does have a little bit of fragrance not uncomfortable at all at least for me. So, if your sensitive skin condition please do patch test this before you include it in your skincare routine.

With that it's a wrap guys if you did like this blog, please let me know in the comment section below and until I see you next guys. Till that take good care and don’t forget to love yourself.

bye bye


August 04, 2021

HOW TO EXFOLIATE ? Chemical & Physical Exfoliation Beginner's Guide

by , in


Hello beautiful people!!

Today we are going to discuss about exfoliation both chemical and physical form of it. In this blog I am going to tell you everything you need to know about exfoliation mainly concentrating on chemical exfoliation.

Now I’ll tell you the products, how to use them, what are the best products in my opinion, what will work on hyperpigmentation, dark-spots, acne so on and so forth.

So, without further ado let's dive right into this blog...

Now there's a huge belief in the beauty and skincare industry that chemical exfoliators are better than physical exfoliators and as much as I believe in that theory, I also do beg to differ that chemical exfoliator can be a little bit too purging on a skin that has never been exfoliated. So, in my opinion and that's only my opinion I would recommend starting off with a physical exfoliator first. Let your skin get used to the whole concept of exfoliation and then move on to chemical exfoliators.

Having said that it all depends the kind of exfoliation that you're using and the way you're using it. Today we're going to dive in and see what are the different forms of chemical exfoliations available and which one is suitable for which skin concern.

  1. The first form of chemical exfoliation available is Alpha Hydroxy Acid also known commonly as AHAs.
  2. They are water soluble.
  3. The most popular form of AHAs is glycolic acid.
  4. AHAs reduce hyperpigmentation, acne-scars and discoloration reverse sun damage.
  5. AHAs increase skin's elasticity and collagen density and hence fight signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.
  6. They should be applied at night.

Moving on to the second form of exfoliation we have the Beta Hydroxy Acid known as BHAs.

  1. They are oil soluble.
  2. The most popular form of BHAs is salicylic acid.
  3. BHAs helps in tackling acne caused inflammation, melasma and help treat hyperpigmentation.
  4. They are highly effective in treating acne blackheads and whiteheads.
  5. They are said to be applied day or night.
  6. BHAs have no humectant properties and hence can be very drying on the skin. Therefore, they are very good for oily acne prone skin because that will not make your face any oilier not just that they have anti-inflammatory properties as well and hence they are an excellent treatment for anyone who's suffering with acne.

First, I am going to talk about products that have AHAs and the first one that I have here is:

Pixie Glow Tonic


This comes with 5% glycolic acid. The good thing about this toner is that this will help treat any kind of pigmentation discoloration or if you have acne scars. I have been using this and really liking this product. This has to be used very sparingly you have to take few drops on a cotton pad and wipe off your face

and in my opinion because this is a very strong product with five percent glycolic acid. This should be used only twice at the max three times a week.

Now this has perfume way on top of the list so if you are sensitive skin, you definitely need to watch out.

The second product is from Suganda and I’ve been trying out a lot of their skincare especially testing out their chemical exfoliators for a while now and a few of their serums. What I have here for you is:

Suganda AHAs Serum

This comes with 10 % lactic, gotu kola and green tea. Gotu kola is basically centella asiatica. It's really light and liquidly. This is the kind of serum that gets absorbed in the skin very easily. In my opinion one of the best AHAs serums out there.

The 10% lactic acid in it is very good if you have hyperpigmentation, acne-scars or if you're looking for something to have that even toned skin, good for discoloration. This also has an addition gotu kola that's centella asiatica and also has green tea which is soothing on the skin. This is a gentle exfoliator in my opinion, if you're looking for a good AHAs serum definitely give this one a go.

The next product that I have for you is something that I’ve spoken in the past and this I highly recommend for any one of you who's a beginner to chemical exfoliation because this is not a potted product at all. In fact, it's very light if you have oily acne prone skin in specific, you're going to like this. What I am talking about is:

Plum Green Tea Toner


I love Plum products, their entire green tea range. This one in particular I really like. I started off with this it's a very light toner. This has glycolic acid in it however, the glycolic acid percentage is very less because in the ingredient list its way down the list. But it's a gentle toner to use and I recommend using this at night guys.

When you're using glycolic acid products, please make sure you're not mixing them with vitamin c. In fact, any AHAs that you're including in your skincare make sure you're not mixing it with vitamin c in specific.

The next product that I have for you is also a toner and the one that I have for you here is from:

Dot & Key AHA Toner


It’s their 5% AHA exfoliant toner. Now this one in particular has glycolic and lactic acid in it and this smells very perfumery. Having said that the perfume I saw on the ingredient list is way down the list but not denying the fact that this is very perfume smelling.

One thing about the toner is that it comes in a spritzing format so, in my opinion if there is any AHA or BHA toner it might as well be in a proper toner bottle because if you're spritzing this on your face, you're risking the toner going into your eyes hence irritating your eyes and we definitely don't want that. So, if you're using this go ahead try it out. But take it on a cotton pad spritz enough on the cotton pad and then just wipe off your face with it.

The next product that I have for you is:

Pixi Peel and Polish


This comes with lactic acid and it's basically a resurfacing enzyme peel. This did not do much for my skin however if you do want to try go ahead because there are some great reviews about the product online. But honestly in my opinion it did not do anything for my skin.

The way to use it is pretty easy you apply this enzyme all over your face leave it on for about two to three minutes and wash off.

The next product that I have for you is something which in my opinion is not a chemical exfoliator or actually does not do a lot for your skin but I did want to include this in this blog to clarify my opinion on the product. What I am talking about is:

Plum Green Tea Face Wash


Now Plums Green Tea range comes with glycolic acid and so does this one. In my opinion this is one of the best face washes out there especially if you have acne prone or oily skin. This is something that I really like.

This is an excellent face wash but this is not a chemical peel and a chemical exfoliator. This does have glycolic acid in it in very less amount way down the list and in my opinion guys a face wash anyway will be washed off and you should not use a face wash more than one minute that is 60 seconds because if you scrub your face with a face wash more than that you will end up drying out your skin.

So, this is a great product in itself it's a great face wash and definitely use it as a face wash but I don't think that this will do a lot if you're referring to this as a chemical exfoliator.

Now moving on to the BHAs exfoliators and before I do that, I will tell you about a product that's the best of both worlds. You get both AHAs and BHAs in it. The product that I am referring to is from:

Dot & Key it's their Hydro Peel Glow Potion comes with 10% AHA and 2% BHA. This has glycolic acid and lactic acid in the AHA category and salicylic acid in the BHA category. Now in my opinion and I have used this product a couple of times and I think this is a pretty good product and like I said it brings you the best of both worlds the properties of both AHAs and BHAs.


But the way to use it and I have seen a few people using it the completely wrong way and that's why I am bringing this up here. This guy's is not a leave-in serum, the way to use it is you have to apply this on your face, take about three to four drops in your fingertips, apply it all over your face and neck leave it on for about 10 to 11 minutes and then wash off with cold water.

Please make sure you're not sleeping off while this is on because this is a pretty important product simply because this has properties of both AHA and BHA. Also please make sure because it's a potent product you're using this only at night.

The next BHA serum that I have to use from Suganda. It is a two percent salicylic acid and centauri ertiga and green tea in it. This in my opinion you guys is one of the best BHA serums out there. If you have white heads, blackheads or enlarged pores you definitely want to give this one a go. This does take a little bit of time to show results, you've got to be a little bit patient with this one but definitely does show results.

I have whiteheads on my nose I’ve spoken about that and a little bit of enlarged poles around my cheeks. This is such a lightweight serum, it is super light on the skin, you have oily skin, you have acne prone skin, even dry skin type people can use this.

The way to use if you're a beginner is to take few drops in your moisturizer two to four drops and then apply it on your face. Once your skin has become friendly with chemical exfoliation then go on after washing toning and then applying this exfoliating serum, then you can go on with your moisturizer.

In my opinion one of the best BHAs serums out there.

Moving on to the next category of exfoliation which is the physical exfoliators. I have two here for you the first one from:

Juicy Chemistry Face Scrub

Juicy Chemistry is the Saffron Rose and Australian sandalwood face scrub. Now this is such a beautiful scrub it's, not very gentle on the skin. You've got to be a little careful while you're using and this smells so very wonderful because of the rose and saffron.

This you guys in particular or any scrub that you're using please make sure you're using your ring finger to scrub if you're too harsh with your fingers otherwise your ring finger is anyway gentle scrub your face not more than two to three minutes if you're using a physical exfoliator and then leave it on.

In this one particular you have to leave it on for about five minutes and then wash off and always wash off your scrubs with cold water and if you feel that you have or there's any rash on your face take an ice cube and just rub an ice cube very gently on your face for about a minute and a half.

Having said that this in my opinion is a very good face scrub if you use it correctly.

The last face scrub that I have for you is actually a multi-purpose product. It's a face cleanser scrub and also a face mask. What I have for you here is from pure by Priyanka Myoho Illuminate Powder.

This is basically their illuminati face cleanser. This is for dry skin but actually works on my combination skin pretty well and this has some very excellent ingredients. This has licorice which is very good for brightening, has cloves flaxseed rose powder, rose petals, lavender buds, jasmine thyme, neem oil chamomile and almonds.

The way to use it as a cleanser is you take a little bit put some water in it and just cleanse your face that's all. The way I like to use it is that I like to mix it make a paste with yogurt, some rose water also add some honey and then I am going to leave it on my face for about 10 minutes and then after it's dried off, I’ll take a little bit of water in my hands very gently start scrubbing my face for about two to three minutes and then wash off again.

A great product to get your hands on.

So, guys with that it's a wrap I really do hope that I was able to answer all your queries about chemical and physical exfoliation. Do let me know in the comment section down what you think about this blog and until I see you next guys.

Take care and don’t forget to love yourself.

bye bye 

August 02, 2021


by , in


Hi my beauties!

In this blog I’ve picked out my most favorite micellar waters, cleansing butters, cleansing balms and even cleansing oils. Now there are several options available in the market but the ones that I’ve picked are out of the ones that I have used.

I am someone who's a makeup wearer on a daily basis also I like to use some sort of a cleansing balm, cleansing oil or even a micellar water to get rid of the makeup or if I am not wearing makeup just to break down the dirt and grime and also this sunscreen

I do have some incredibly affordable options here. Also, in this blog are some different formulations for you to choose from.

Now without further ado let's dive right into this blog.

First let's dive in and talk about the most basic formulation available out there in the market that is micellar waters. Now there are so many different micellar waters in the Indian market and also there are some incredible options available.

I have five products here for you that I personally really like and I feel they do the job really well and the first one that I want to talk about is:

Maybelline Iron Lip Makeup Remover


This comes in a very small teeny-mini bottle. It really helps whenever you're traveling just shove it in your bag specifically this one, I like when I am traveling. Talking about the product itself it's a pretty gentle formulation it gets rid of your mascara, even your water-resistant eyeliner for that matter. If you are someone who's wearing a very heavy foundation this may not be as suitable to get rid of the heavy foundation. You will need some sort of a cleansing cream or a cleansing butter or a balm to kind of melt the entire foundation.

Overall, I feel if you're wearing light makeup or you just want to get rid of dirt, grime and sunscreen from your face then this is a very good option. It also comes in a tall bottle which is a similar formulation as well which is great also, I’ve used that one as well.

Moving on to the second one I have an another one which is a drugstore product again excellent, super popular a lot of you like it as well. I love this as well it is:  

Garnier Micellar Water


It's one of the most popular cleansing micellar waters available out there in the market. It comes in a pink bottle as well and it comes in the yellow one. I have always preferred and liked the yellow one. This in particular will get rid of your heavy foundations as well, it gets rid of any sort of water-resistant mascara or eyeliners. Even your heavy eye makeup like your glitters and all.

I’ve used the jumbo size bottle as well that's what I keep at home. This one again is super travel friendly of course with micellar waters before you use you have to shake them well to mix the oil and the entire formulation in the bottle.

Overall, I feel this in particular the Garnier one is one of the best that's available out there. Super affordable and very easily available.

Moving on to the third micellar water and this is a much gentler formulation. This is an oil free formula, it is:  

Neutrogena Oil-Free Makeup Remover


This again is something I’ve used a full bottle of in the past and I repurchased it again and again. This is a great formula guys if in case you want to get rid of your water-resistant mascara eyeliners, even your foundation for that matter.

Now for me I feel whenever you're using a heavy foundation, I use it very rarely I like to use a very simple very thin layer of foundation on my face and I like to go in with lighter formulations. But if you are someone who needs more coverage and you use a heavy foundation, a micellar water does the job pretty well.

But I personally like using some sort of a cleansing cream, cleansing oil or a butter because that really gets down and gets the job done, it really breaks down the makeup really well. So, I am going to talk about those options as well but if you are looking for something that's easily available, affordable, run-of-the-mill, does the job really well you could go in for this.

Now this has some calming ingredients as well and soothing ingredients. So, if you are someone who has sensitive skin condition, you can go in for this even if you have acne prone skin this has allentoin which is extremely calming, also has aloe leaf juice which is great for the skin, glycerin which really makes sure that your skin doesn't feel stripped out.

This is a product that's very easily available online or even at a chemist near you and definitely worth spending on.

Then moving on to another micellar water this is a little bit on the higher end of things but definitely great for sensitive skin. What I am referring to is:  

Bioderma Sesinio Bio H2O


I really love this product especially if you're sensitive skin you are likely to like this product because it's hypoallergenic, it is fragrance and alcohol free. A lot of people I know who have sensitive skin condition and have acne prone skin in specific like to go in with this. It gets rid of any sort of makeup and is pretty good with water resistant makeup as well. Even heavy makeup for that matter like when I do my smokey eye looks in all and I go in with this and try to remove it, it does the job easily and really well of course.

A little bit on the higher end of things but I would say if you are someone who is sensitive skin or if you have some sort of a skin condition like a melasma or if you have hyperpigmentation and you're looking for something that's extremely gentle or even if you have acne prone skin, I would highly recommend going for this one.

The last micellar water is:  

L’Oréal Paris Dermo Expertise Makeup Remover


It's a great product, a good micellar water does the job of cleansing your foundation, your mascara your heavy eyeshadows really well and I have used about two three bottles of that product. It is indeed a great product from the drugstore, lies in the same price range, very easily available.

So that's my fifth and the last micellar water recommendation for you guys.

Now if you're someone who wants to minimize the use of cotton because when you're using a micellar water you have to go in with a cotton pad or some sort of a cotton ball to cleanse your face but if you want to minimize that you want something that's a lot more sustainable.

I highly recommend moving towards cleansing oils, butters and balms because with them you can just take some on your palms, massage it gently just to warm up the product and then massage it into your skin. It really breaks down the makeup, the dirt grime even the sunscreen. There are products available for different skin types, different skin conditions and concerns. I am going to talk about a few of them that I really like.

The first one that I want to talk about is cleansing oils first so, the cleansing oil that I have here is:

Innisfree Green Tea Cleansing Oil


This I feel is a great product. There are some ingredients that I want to talk about very quickly before that this has fragrance so if you have sensitive skin condition you might want to test this out first, do some sort of a patch test before going in and applying it on your face.

A couple of interesting ingredients here is sunflower seed oil, you also have panthenol, you have butylene glycol which is a conditioning and a softening agent which is put in cleansing oils like this, it also has tea tree oil. This has salicylic acid, a lot of cleansing oils and cleansing butters in particular have salicylic acid in them in pregnancy obviously one cannot use salicylic acid so, if you are a pregnant woman, please stay away from a product like this.

Overall, love the product, it's great, I have used it in the past also and I really like the way it breaks down the makeup and trust me it breaks some of the heaviest makeups down. So, I had one of my relatives visit me and they came back from a wedding and they were removing their wedding makeup with this particular thing and it broke down completely and beautifully.

After using this you just have to wash off your face with a good face wash going with your toner. I think this is a great cleansing oil that's available in the Indian market.

Another cleansing oil recommendation from me would be:

Klaire's Cleansing oil


I really like the product; it comes with some pretty good ingredient list. It does have fragrance so, if your sensitive skin condition you may definitely want to patch test check it out first to see whether it works for you or not.

The ingredients that have listed for this particular cleansing oil is it's formulated with black bean oil which helps control sebum so if you are someone who's acne prone you definitely want to patch test it first but if it works for you, it can really do good for your skin but definitely patch test like I said.

It also has hohoba seed oil, soybean oil, tocopherol acetate, tocopherol is a form of vitamin E, shea butter and it removes your makeup really well and it breaks down the dirt and grime.

Now I am someone who like to use my cleansing oils in particular for breaking down my foundation. So, what I would do is the day I am not wearing makeup I would just go in if I am feeling lazy with the cleansing micellar water, take it on a cotton pad just wipe off my face entirely with it or if I am just wearing an eyeliner and some mascara, I would use micellar water other than that you don't need a micellar water if you have a cleansing oil and you could even go in for a cleansing cream or a butter because that can just do the job of removing the mascara, the foundation, the eye makeup everything down for you so the Klaire's one is my second recommendation for a cleansing oil and something that I personally really loved.

Moving on to my favorite category here I love cleansing creams and cleansing butters because I feel the way cleansing butters cleansing balms break down your makeup nothing else does and you really get that sort of a feel that you really cleanse your face it gets down to every particle of makeup on your skin.

My first most favorite product no surprises is:

Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm


I have used so many tubs of this and I prefer the small tub because I am someone who travels quite a lot. This is super-duper portable to carry. Now this is an all-in-one formula it's not drying, non-stripping, it'll get rid of every damn thing, your waterproof eyeliner mascara, your heavy eyeshadows, your very heavy foundations, full coverage foundations it really cleanses the skin really well and also this has vitamin E which makes it a known stripping formula.

I know this is on the higher end of things, it's a high-end product but if you can stretch your budget a little bit then this is a product that I personally absolutely adore and definitely highly recommend. Also, this is a product that has no fragrance and no phthalates so, it can be used by many different skin types. Even sensitive skin condition can definitely try this product. If you're acne-prone and you want a good cleansing balm this is the one I can't recommend. Then we have a cleansing cream and this is a fairly affordable product because little bit it goes a long way and you get a great quantity what I am referring to is:

Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Cream


This is a great cream to break down your sunscreen, your dirt and grime on a daily basis. If you're a college grower or generally someone who does not wear a lot of makeup you can definitely go in with this one, it’s something that I really like. Couple of ingredients that I do want to mention here it has moringa oil, moringa oil is really hydrating moisturizing on the skin. This also has soap water; soap water basically is a great ingredient to deep cleanse.

This even gets rid of your makeup really well fairly well. I would say it doesn't get down and just cleanse everything from your face but it does the job of cleansing quite a lot of makeup you do have. To work this product a little bit extra in order to make sure that entire of your makeup is off but if you're someone who has a very heavy foundation this may not be able to break that.

Also, it's a very lightweight product so if your oily skin, combination skin you are likely to love this product because the cream that you have here is super-duper whipped up formula it's like a very fluffy cream. You need very little and then you can just work that into your skin. Again, something that I love and can recommend.

My last product recommendation for today would be a cleansing jelly. This is a very different formulation but a great one at that and really lightweight. What I am referring to is:

Earth Rhythm Gel To Milk Cleanser – Pink Pomelo


First, I want to talk about the texture of this product, it's like a jam right there, it’s super-duper whipped up, you can just dig in into this and you know it will cleanse your entire makeup completely. This is very good for daily use as well.

Now this is an oil-based formula but it is formulated without formaldehydes and phthalates which is what makes it a great product. Even if you have sensitive skin condition you can definitely go in with this product or you have acne-prone skin. In fact, many different types will actually enjoy the product.

This is like a sort of a red gel in the tub but when you take it in your fingertips and massage it. It breaks down into some sort of a milk and then just cleanses your entire face. The ingredients that are listed in this product are it has a rose up oil, grapefruit, it has beetroot extract, citric acid, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and salicylic acid.

I feel is a great product, you also get another version which is the Pumpkin Enzyme version, same thing basically and the formulation is also pretty much the same. I have used that one as well but honestly, I prefer this a little bit more also because I feel the texture of both of the products is great.

This one I feel does the job of cleansing your makeup a tad bit better.

So, my beauties with that it's a wrap. I really hope that you enjoyed watching this video and were able to pick out a few products for your skin type and skin concern.

Also, let me know in the comment section about what you feel about these products.

Bye my beauties and don’t forget to love yourself.

August 01, 2021

Rice Keratin Treatment At Home For Straight, Shiny & Frizz Free Hair !

by , in


Hey my beauties!! Welcome to my “Sunday Pampering” series and today I have for you the best home-made keratin series without spending a single penny.

This amazing rice keratin treatment that'll smoothen and straighten the hair very effectively. Many beauty parlors offer keratin treatments but usually they are formaldehyde-based treatments and though some keratin products promise that they're free of formaldehyde, they contain chemicals that release formaldehyde when mixed with water. So technically formaldehyde is the base ingredient for those treatments too.

Formaldehyde is a colorless strong-smelling gas that causes respiratory problems when inhaled or when absorbed through the skin. Doing formaldehyde-based treatments once in a while will not cause any problems but frequent usage increases health risk.

Instead of using chemical-based keratin treatments, try this natural rice-based keratin treatment. The base for this treatment is cooked rice, rice is wonderful for smoothening out even the most frizzy and dry hair. This treatment is made with commonly available kitchen ingredients and is very cost effective. Unlike chemical-based keratin treatments, this treatment will not do any harm and can be used whenever you like.

In my personal opinion, this is a wonder treatment that leaves the hair soft and shiny. Follow the recipe exactly like given to get the best results.

Cut a fresh aloe vera leaf and wash well to remove the slimy green juice. The green slimy juice causes skin allergy so please take your time to wash it off properly before using. Now cut the thorns on both sides of the leaf, cut in half and scoop out the gel alone on to a cup.

To make coconut milk, take 1/8 cup of freshly grated coconut in a cup. Add very little water to it so as to get thick coconut milk. Now grind this in a mixer coarsely. Once ground take it in a strainer and press with a spoon to extract the coconut milk completely. The coconut milk should be thick and creamy like this.

For the treatment, take heaped 1/4 cup of boiled rice in a cup. Add in 3 tablespoons of the prepared thick coconut milk. Add in one egg white to it. Add in a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil too. Add in the inner gel of one small aloe vera leaf. Now grind this mixture to a very smooth paste.

The mixture should be smooth and free of any lumps so make sure to patiently grind it till you get a smooth paste.

To use, take the paste and apply it all over the hair. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then shampoo and condition your hair as usual.

This is my hair after using the treatment. I just used only shampoo to wash it off and did not condition my hair so as to show you how effective the treatment is. It made my hair soft shiny and very manageable.

When I first tried this treatment, I was pleasantly surprised to see how smooth, soft and shiny it left my hair and I started using it regularly.

This treatment can be used for all age groups and can be used for kids too. You can make slight alterations to the recipe if you like, but I found the best results with the recipe I've given. Use this recipe weekly once to have straight silky-smooth soft hair.

I hope you found this blog useful. Try it on yourself and also share it with your family and friends and let me know how it works.

Enjoy your Sunday and don’t forget to love yourself.


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